Making Up

Many thanks to Haley for responding to my last blog post, Putting the Shelf in Selfie, and for pushing me to think more deeply about this topic. Haley’s response: I strongly disagree with your characterization of the response to #feministsareugly. Most of the selfies in the Buzzfeed article you posted don’t seem to be particularly lip-glossed, and even […]

Putting the Shelf in Selfie

I think I’ve called them out before, but Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow run a mean podcast. Call Your Girlfriend, otherwise known as “a podcast for long distance besties everywhere,” makes me want to break out into Robyn dance moves every time I start a fresh episode. Here’s Taran Killam, Dance God, doing just that. Anyway. On their […]


I woke up this morning to read Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay. My body must have been yearning for it, deeply, because it only let me rest for six hours before I was awake and reaching for the book beside my bed. I was on a date where the guy explained to me, proudly and carefully, […]